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Monika Neunteufel

Exclusive Living Modern Art - oil, acrylic and more

Monika Neunteufel

Monika Neunteufel, a grounded artist, with a closeness to nature and distinct sensory perception, together with experienced in layers and colors that are created into modern work of art. The experience is coupled with fantasies and she manages to capture and hold in expressive and sustainable pieces of art.

Her art work is „freedom without borders“ in large formats.

"The real world from my perspective, painted with my fantasies, illusions and world views – when I paint blur time, reality and borders"

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Hauptstraße 32
83246 Unterwössen

From Munich to Kitzbühel only 13 km detour


Store Kitzbühel
Josef-Herold Str. 12,6370 Kitzbühel

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Ski-Diving 2.0

Dive into your next level of ski adventure.

From the beginning of December 2023, a unique “Ski-Diving 2.0” 1st Layer (Ski-sweater) will be available at Uschi-Grote, Kitzbühl. (www.uschi-grote.com) – or contact me.

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